Recommended for:
Social Distancing Team Building Groups who want a uniquely Singapore themed team building activity! Activities are centred around Singapore’s unique ethnic and cultural diversity as well as taking special efforts to recognize and honour our frontline workers who have tirelessly served us during the Covid19 “Circuit Breaker” period. All execution and communication between teams and game master is through the digital app, specially designed and localised for social distancing purposes. The focus of the team building program aims to highlight the importance of standing together, having acceptance and forbearance towards different races, cultures and habits of our neighbours.
The conduct of the whole team building organisation and execution is performed with minimum face-to-face contact with clients. Prior to the event, we will send through a digital briefing and conduct an online Q&A session via Zoom. Teams will consist of only 5 members each (complying with current social distancing guidelines), while they can choose to belong to a greater team (ie Team 1A, Team 1B vs Team 2A and Team 2B) to accommodate corporate groups with bigger numbers.
Teams will check in at different places of interest to undertake informative challenges at each station, earning points while learning and appreciating Singapore’s history, ethnic groups and cultural diversity as well as understanding what our essential workers have to go through during this tough time. The eventual results, along with an add-on option to put together a customised video montage of the teams’ participation, will be made available 3 days after the event.
Group size:
Minimum 10 pax, Up to 300 pax
Recommended Venues:
outdoor at various places of interest & tourist destinations
Duration: 3-6 hours
Cost: from $50/pax (depending on group size)
Learning Values:
➢ Community Spirit
➢ Understanding and appreciating different cultures
➢ Importance of standing together and being united