Human ZOVB Bowling

An awesome activity that has been developed from ZOVB Singapore. Bowling just got a lot bigger in size as you attempt to push our Land ZOVB Ball across the lane towards our life sized bowling pins. An activity perfect for large scale corporate events and parties. Players get inside the land ZOVB ball and knock down pins in pairs or blindfolded. Creates a lasting impression for players and on-lookers. Perfect instagram moment.

Recommended Locations: Indoor sports hall or any open field

Suggested Location: Field at Old Holland Road or Kovan Sports Centre

Rental Cost: $380/hr (Inclusive of 1 ball and 5 pins)

Best Team Building Company in Singapore - The WOW Experience
Office Contact Details:

91 Bukit Batok West Ave 2,
Civil Service Club

Singapore 659206.

Tel: (65) 6779 1031

Operation Hours:
9.30 am to 6.30 pm

(a subsidiary of The WOW Experience)


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