Scuba Diving Try-outs is targeted at exposing kids to the aquatic environment where they will experience a variety of challenges set to take them out of their comfort zone but within the means of safety. Scuba diving challenges the participant to conquer ones fear and uncertainty in a different environment. Kids will pick up qualities like toughness and determination through this structured dive experience. Our in house instructors will continue to guide the kids till they perform at a sufficient skill level and demonstrate being comfortable under the water. This activity is also open to adults as well; contact us to find out how we can create a unique dive experience for yourself and your team.
Scuba Diving Learning Values:
- Build confidence
- Resilient mind-set
- Adjusting to new environment
- Learn a new skill
Nature of activity: Children, Corporate, Groups, Outdoor, Low impact, Low Intensity, small, medium size groups
Recommended Location: TBA (Depending if a pool needs to be booked or a pool is available in your estate)
Duration: 2 to 3 hours
Minimum Group Size per session: 10 pax
Cost: $135/pax (includes equipment. Facilitators and relevant logistics for the dive)
Prices are exclusive of GST