CSI: Jewel Edition – The Missing Mascot

Pacific Swallow AKA Blue Bird is the mascot of Jewel, recently there’s news that this precious mascot went missing! Join our CSI @Jewel challenge to find the criminal, this will involve teams working closely together to gather evidence and piece clues together. Starting from scratch, teams will have to work their way up in collecting evidence and debunk the mystery to solve the case.

In collaboration with Jewel Changi Airport, this is the first and only team building program being run inside the air-conditioning comforts of Jewel @ Changi Airport. If you’re looking for a uniquely Singaporean team building event, this one’s for you! Take full advantage of Jewel’s indoor weather-proof team building location, with convenient transport accessibility as well as the huge variety of dining options to choose from for pre-post activity meals, meeting or hang outs.

No more sweating it out in the hot sun, enjoy the cool comforts of air-conditioning while you have a great time with your colleagues and team! We highly recommend this activity to teams who are looking for a relaxing, low impact yet fun team bonding activity as well as groups who have a broad age demographics.

AdvenTOUR Singapore has the exclusive rights to offer such new team building programs in Jewel Singapore. Look for us to organise your next flawless company team building event!

CSI: Jewel Edition – The Missing Mascot
Learning Values:

  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Fostering Team Work
  • Critical Thinking

Nature of activity: Corporate, Groups, Indoor, Low impact, Low Intensity, small, medium and large size groups

Recommended Location: Jewel @ Changi Airport

Duration: 2 – 2.5 hours

Minimum Group Size per session: 15 pax

Cost: $108/pax (includes equipment and facilitators)

Best Team Building Company in Singapore - The WOW Experience
Office Contact Details:

91 Bukit Batok West Ave 2,
Civil Service Club

Singapore 659206.

Tel: (65) 6779 1031

Operation Hours:
9.30 am to 6.30 pm

(a subsidiary of The WOW Experience)


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