
Wine & Food Pairing (Dinner Session)

Recommended for:Groups who are looking for a casual team bonding session where the focus is unwinding and sharing ideas over dinner and drinks. Perfect for networking sessions, after work socials, and also makes a perfect activity for off-site meetings The wine and food pairing will be conducted in an indoor setting, where participants will learn about the different types of wine, tasting notes, smell, colour and how they pair with a variety of food to bring out and enhance flavours.…

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Wine & Cheese Pairing

Recommended for:Groups who are looking for a casual team bonding session where the focus is unwinding and sharing ideas over food and drinks. Perfect for networking sessions, after work socials, and also makes a perfect activity for off-site meetings The wine and cheese pairing will be conducted in an indoor setting, where participants will learn about the different types of wine, tasting notes, smell, colour and how they pair with a variety of cheese to bring out and enhance flavours.…

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Group Tour Ideas to do in Singapore

Should you be expecting a group of overseas delegates that are coming over to Singapore for a seminar or meeting and are planning to bring them around Singapore and bask in its rich heritage, allow us to offer to you two of the many activities that we have to showcase the other side of Singapore. Away from the hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle, be immersed within the rich food culture that resonates on our small island. Or bring…

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Amazing Race Sentosa Singapore

The Amazing Race Team Building Activity

Based on the popular television hit The Amazing Race, this team building challenge encourages teams to compete at various checkpoints interspersed with physical and mental challenges. To get to these checkpoints, team are issued with an iPad that will disperse clues on their destination. Teams will also be required to solve puzzles to attain their clues on the device, navigate themselves in tourist attractions and interact with pedestrians for information along the way. The activities performed comprises of meaningful traits…

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Morbi facilisis metus ac justo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a dictum libero. Nunc et lectus et lectus bibendum sodales. Donec nisi lectus, consequat tempor fermentum nec, sollicitudin nec nibh. Praesent in finibus ligula. Pellentesque porta tortor nibh, a cursus urna euismod eget. Etiam nibh eros, suscipit quis maximus in, mattis id lacus. Duis placerat dictum porta. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent eget felis aliquet, auctor felis vel, varius ex. In eget odio…

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Integer non cursus dui

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a dictum libero. Nunc et lectus et lectus bibendum sodales. Donec nisi lectus, consequat tempor fermentum nec, sollicitudin nec nibh. Praesent in finibus ligula. Pellentesque porta tortor nibh, a cursus urna euismod eget. Etiam nibh eros, suscipit quis maximus in, mattis id lacus. Duis placerat dictum porta. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent eget felis aliquet, auctor felis vel, varius ex. In eget odio…

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a dictum libero. Nunc et lectus et lectus bibendum sodales. Donec nisi lectus, consequat tempor fermentum nec, sollicitudin nec nibh. Praesent in finibus ligula. Pellentesque porta tortor nibh, a cursus urna euismod eget. Etiam nibh eros, suscipit quis maximus in, mattis id lacus. Duis placerat dictum porta. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent eget felis aliquet, auctor felis vel, varius ex. In eget odio…

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Best Team Building Company in Singapore - The WOW Experience
Office Contact Details:

91 Bukit Batok West Ave 2,
Civil Service Club

Singapore 659206.

Tel: (65) 6779 1031

Operation Hours:
9.30 am to 6.30 pm

(a subsidiary of The WOW Experience)


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